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VideoMODULO PI 4K Média server Modulo player

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A cost-effective media server ideal for your everyday projects.

Easy to learn, set-up, and operate, Modulo Player combines the extensive capabilities of a media server, and a live mixer.
Seamlessly process media, encode, and play your show through its super intuitive user interface.
Simple-to-use workflow and playlist enable fast show set-up,
and last-minute changes.
Modulo Player is designed to process media seamlessly and provide the best image quality, while running on a streamlined hardware configuration.
It handles a wide variety of media:

Apple ProRes
HAP up to 8K+
H.264 and MPEG2
Uncompressed still sequences including TGA & 10-bit DPX
GoPro Cineform
Interactive Shader Format (ISF)
Multi-channel ASIO audio
3D 120Hz stereo (option)
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